Endorsement of Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize

Tillaga þessi hefur verið samþykkt með atkvæðagreiðslu.

The Pirate Party EU will nominate Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize. This document was created to decide whether the Pirate Party Iceland as well as its MPs endorse Edward Snowden's nomination. (https://prism.titanpad.com/nobelprize)

Málsnúmer: 3/2014
Tillaga:Endorsement of Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize
Í málaflokkum:Utanríkismál
Upphafstími:13/01/2014 18:06:56
Atkvæðagreiðslu lýkur:20/01/2014 23:59:59 (0 minutes)
Atkvæði: 32
Já: 30 (93,75%)
Nei: 2


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